Thursday, June 5, 2008

Let's Hope He Doesn't Get into Berkley...

Today, the family prodigy was recognized for testing better than 90% of the other third graders in America, details here. Not bad. 

I'm hoping it doesn't lead to a scholarship at Berkley.

Why? Well if this photo is any indication, it's not exactly a bastion of intelligence. This picture was allegedly taken at a recent rally in Berkley. The sign was carried by a student at Berkley who is unhappy with the Chinese dictatorship's actions in Tibet and the world's willingness to let them host the Olympics any way.


Now, I know that what passes for education at most universities today skips a lot of boring stuff (like history) so students can learn about more important stuff like Philosophy and Star Trek, Daytime Serials: Family and Social Roles, or Queer Musicology. But one would like to believe that they still teach something about the Nazis in one or two of those first year classes. Note to the sign holder, check this out.

Yeah, I'm thinking he'd be better off somewhere else.


Marsh Mayhem said...

I've been in desperate need of a laugh this weekend ... and this picture has just been the perfect catalyst. Thanks for posting it ... we needed the "reminder"!

Russell Fisher said...
