Friday, May 30, 2008

Hint, Hint...

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm not very helpful when it comes cleaning toilets or doing dishes. I just don't have it in me. Being the only kid who did dishes for something like six years will do that--hold you comments Melissa, it's true. 

But finding this note taped to the dishwasher when I woke up, was a little much.

Update: So before the Scrapbook Nazi gets too upset, I have to admit, she didn't actually tape it to the dishwasher. But she thinks it every time I put dishes on the counter. Can't remember where I found the image...


noelle said...

my mom told me the other day that of all my "blog friends" your blog is her favorite. i'm sure this post did not disappoint.

The Photo Scrooge? said...

I'm guessing this is entirely because of the vacation picture I posted. Such a physique, who could resist?

Melissa said...

I absolutely will not hold my comments because that is an outright blatant lie!!! Some of your other siblings may not have pulled their weight, but I did!!!