Monday, June 15, 2009

Observations On the News Today...

Oh those pesky Republicans. According to this report, they are using "buzz words" to make the president look bad. Among the scary buzz words they are using: "nationalize" and "socialist".

From the article: "Republicans are honing an attack line against President Barack Obama in an attempt to play on Americans' fears of government overreach and economic uncertainties, suggesting he is nationalizing American industry and socializing medicine."


Is it just me or did the president not engineer the federal government's take-over of Chevrolet and Chrysler. The government has now provided just under $50 billion for a 72.5% ownership share in GM.

Here's how defines the scary buzz word, nationalize: "to bring under the ownership or control of a nation, as industries and land: a movement to nationalize the oil industry." Sounds about right to me.

And, of course, the president's been talking all week about providing healthcare coverage for everyone, otherwise known as social medicine. What kind of a person favors scrapping a medical system that works relatively well for 85% of Americans for a government run, rationed, medical program that will work well for no one? A Canadian. Okay, that was a trick question. Other acceptable answers include "a socialist".

But the liberal water carriers at the Associated Press think this is "sloganeering". No wonder newspapers are going out of business around the country.

And then there is this report, where our illustrious vice president says that the stimulus is working, just not very quickly. Note to the AP: "not very quickly" is a buzz word that means "not at all."

Biden says, everyone guessed wrong. Ummm, not exactly. There are a lot of conservatives that guessed exactly right on this.

This is pretty cool. Lucky... unlucky... I vote lucky.

Finally, God bless the protesters in Iran.

1 comment:

noelle said...

the msm can't die fast enough. articles like these help.