Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finding Something to Drink in Prague...

The Czech Republic is known for its beer. But, that doesn't really work for me. Fortunately the Coke in Europe is very good--if you can find it cold--I think its made with sugar instead of corn syrup.  And the tap water was really tasty, but almost impossible to find. No drinking fountains. It's not served in restaurants even when you ask for it. So I was thirsty for about half of the trip.

At one point, Jason and I stepped inside a small corner store up the street from our hotel to find a Coke and maybe some fruit for lunch, when we discovered a real specialty. Unfortunately I only had about 25 crowns and this potent* little beverage cost more than 40. I'm still wondering what it tastes like. Though in hind sight, I'm not sure this is the stuff you should drink when one is traveling sans-spouse for almost two weeks.

More on the trip later.

*This is an assumption based on packaging cues, which also indicate this drink does something funky to your neck and makes your hair stand on end.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Prague Castle and Cathedral...

Okay, Judy... this is for you.

Now that school is over, I'm going to try to be a little more consistent about posting a few things to my blog—at least until I start my PhD.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to return to Prague and Budapest (Jim and I visited both cities during our Tour d' Europe in 1994). Here are a few of the pictures I took in Prague...

Today we start with a few shots of the castle and cathedral...

The front gate was guarded the first day, but when we walked up a few days later, we could walk through to the court yard behind...

Looking up at the spires at the front of the cathedral...

A shot of the gargoyles hanging over the street at the side of the cathedral...

A bronze of the 12 apostles and Jesus over the main door...

From behind the building...

At night from across the river...

And the Charles bridge in the foreground...