Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Remain in Your Seats After the Game...

No, seriously, PLEASE remain in your seats after the game for a special presentation...

Best line of the night: Pop asked, "I wonder what Austin Collie did this year so he wasn't blessed for doing the right things like last year?"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things that Suck

With that last post, I got a pretty good negative vibe going. So to keep that up (and to play yin to the Scrapbook Nazi's yang), I offer the following list of stuff I hate in addition to Halloween:

1. Olives. And Beets.
2. Riding my bike 200 miles in a snow storm.
3. Green Dots.
4. People who drive while texting.
5. Clogs.
6. Costume parties.
9. Fat people in lycra.
10. Boils.
11. Michael Savage.
12. Sprint.
13. Lists.
14. People who smell like soup.
15. Shoveling dog poop.
17. Snakes.
18. Back hair.
20. Broken water mains.
21. Shopping.
22. Slivers.
23. American Idol.
24. Cats.
25. Casseroles made with mushroom soup.
26. Losing.
27. Faux hawks.
28. Speeding tickets.
29. The NBA.
32. Pyracantha bushes.
33. Winter.
34. Clutter.
35. Being late.
37. Selling stock at a loss.
38. Socks with holes in the toes.
39. Crashes when you haven't saved your data.
40. Zits inside your nose.
41. That milking thing Aggies do when they sing the school song. Come to think of it, their fight song may be one of the worst "fight" songs ever.
42. Forgetting garbage day.
43. Bunko.
44. Negativity.
46. Candy corn.
47. Afternoon church.